M1 Mac Nerdctl Configuration
Configure nerdctl for basic containerization development on Mac ARM64.
Using nerdctl Create an alias for the command lima nerdctl:
alias nerd='lima nerdctl' Writing files locally Create a new hugo blog post file in the current project directory:
lima nerdctl run --rm -v $(pwd)/src:/src -u `id -u $USER`:`id -g $USER` \ -it elswork/rpi-hugo:latest new posts/ Configure lima Image compatibility To prevent the error message standard_init_linux.go:228: exec user process caused: exec format error:
Docker Multi Architecture Build Raspbery Pi 4/Arm64
Building a Docker image on a Raspberry Pi targeting arm64 & x86/amd64.
Install cross compiler library docker run --privileged --rm tonistiigi/binfmt --install all Create image that will build the image docker buildx create --use --name builder Bootstrap the new image docker buildx inpsect --bootstrap Login to your container registry docker login Build the image docker buildx build . --platform linux/arm64,linux/amd64 --push -t docker buildx build . --platform linux/arm64,linux/amd64 --push -t registry.
Drupal 8 Configuration Management
Modules List all modules using Drush drush pm-list --type=Module --status=enabled --no-core --format=list Configuration Drupal Console Setup site for Drupal console:
drupal init --site --no-interaction Generation path: /opt/drupal/web 1 - /root/.console/config.yml 2 - /opt/drupal/console/config.yml Dockerfile WORKDIR/optRUN composer create-project drupal/recommended-project:8.9.3 drupalRUN composer require drush/drushRUN echo '$settings["config_sync_directory"] = "../config/sync";' >> web/sites/default/default.settings.phpCOPY config /opt/drupal/web/sites/config/syncRUN php -d memory_limit=-1 `which drush` site:install minimal --existing-configPrep configuration from production server without Drush Export configuration from web ui. Extract and configuration tarball.
Drupal 5 to Drupal 7 Migration
I currently manage two Drupal 5 sites.
So much time has passed since Drupal 7 was released, many personal migration scripts found on blogs and forums are no longer available.
I actually did a migration two years ago. Projects got in the way and the SQL files I wrote were lost.
The recommended way The easiest step was to upgrade to Drupal 6 and then to 7. Unfortunately it didn’t work.
WordPress Default Category Plugin
I was recently tasked at work to migrate a blog running WordPress 1.5 to a multisite WordPress 3 server. The data migration was simple enough. However, the old blog auto-selected categories based on the poster’s current geo-location. This was a hack that was hard-coded into the template.
Well it wouldn’t be wise for me to hack up the template since it is a multisite server! So, I ported the code as a plugin.
Review: Advanced Foundation Training
If you take any course from Zurb or any course about Foundation this is the only one you will ever need! Out of all the zurb courses I’ve taken this one by far was the best. Again, the direct access to the engineers is what you’re paying for.
The highlight of the training is when at the beginning they immediately announced that all attendees were receiving a copy of the final version of Foundation 5 a week before the general public.
Review: An Event Apart Austin 2013
Austin Fantastic city that I wouldn’t hesitate to revisit. As soon as I got to the hotel (which also hosted the conference) there was a block party down the street, very cool first impression!
Food Texas BBQ! Unfortunately for me, the recommended spots were only open during conference hours. However, the hotel staff did a wonderful job with the breakfast and (especially) the lunches.
Food trucks where everywhere. No need for fast food at all.
Yii Breadcrumbs & Zurb Foundation
Customizing the Yii breadcrumb widget to output your preferred markup is pretty simple. I recently worked on integrating the Zurb Foundation CSS framework with this widget.
You just need to modify the following three properties of the widget:
tagName activeLinkTemplate inactiveLinkTemplate <?php if(isset($this->breadcrumbs)):?><?php $this->widget('zii.widgets.CBreadcrumbs', array( 'links'=>$this->breadcrumbs, 'homeLink'=>false, 'tagName'=>'ul', 'activeLinkTemplate'=>' <li> <a href="{url}">{label}</a> </li>', 'inactiveLinkTemplate'=>' <li class="current"> <a href="#">{label}</a> </li>', 'separator'=>'', )); ?> <!-- breadcrumbs --> <?php endif?> The Yii documentation team did a great job explaining all the features of this widget.
Review: Zurb Foundation Training: Using Sass
Zurb the makers of the awesome Foundation responsive framework, offers several training courses. The course was ~2 hours long. The actual Zurb engineers that work on Foundation teach the class.
I really appreciated that time was spent on how to use SASS by itself. If you spend a lot of times reading the SASS docs and are consider yourself an intermeidate user, it may not be worth your time The best part of the course is the access to the Zurb engineers.
Mediawiki Active Directory Authentication
Installing LDAP_Authentication AD authentication extension for mediawiki was a nightmare.
Installing LDAP_Authentication Extension cd into the wiki’s extensions directory.
Clone the extension’s git master:
<br /> git clone<br />
MySQL Configuration Normally you need to run the update.php script after installing an extension. However, this extension errors out.
After reading the source, all it does is create a new database table. So just copy and paste the .sql file in the extension’s directory into a mysql console.
Gitlab Install
Installing Ruby yaml Ruby gem will thrown an error each time it runs that it wasn’t compiled with libyaml. The following links fixed this issue: Active Directory Configuration ldap: enabled: true host: '' base: 'CN=users,DC=gemini,DC=edu' port: 3268 uid: 'sAMAccountName' method: 'plain' # plain bind_dn: 'CN=srv_webuser,OU=Service Accounts,DC=gemini,DC=edu' password: ??? MySQL Configuration We need to modify the database config to use our external MySQL server as we don’t plan on running a local MySQL.
Trac – Configure New Environment
Trac allows the hosting of multiple environments/projects using a single install.
However, setting it up is not so straight-forward.
Configure your new Trac environment The trac-admintool is used to configure Trac. The following will create a new environment skeleton directory amongst the other Trac environments:
Add an admin user Modify Apache The Trac server is configured to use a vhost for each environment. Copy and existing the trac-x and svn-x to get started: